Abstract:In order to avoid the shortcomings of traditional BP neural network in predicting the short-term output power of photovoltaic generation, a prediction model based on a grey dynamic BP neural network was proposed and realized in this paper. The grey system theory was adopted to improve the factor set of traditional BP neural network, meanwhile the number of nodes of hidden layer in the BP neural network was adjusted dynamically. At the end the proposed model was used to predict the short-term output power in a real photovoltaic power station. The results show that the predicted results agree well with the measured results, which verifies the validity of the model.
娄宝磊. 灰色动态BP神经网络在光伏短期出力预测中的应用[J]. 电气技术, 2015, 16(12): 47-51.
Lou Baolei. Short-term Output Power Prediction of Photovoltaic Generation based on a Grey Dynamic BP Neural Network. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 47-51.
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