周健, 徐军, 刘大伟
江苏省送变电公司,南京 210028
Development of a Low Cost Line Intelligent Protection and Measurement Integrated Device
Zhou Jian, Xu Jun, Liu Dawei
Jiangsu Transmission Substation Company, Nanjing 210028
摘要 本文详细分析了小区变和厂矿变等低电压等级对智能保测一体装置的应用需求,提出了一种基于K60和MQX实时操作系统的低成本智能保测一体装置实现方案。该方案以高性价比的Cortex-M4内核芯片K60为核心,详细介绍了软硬件架构,并对其中的关键技术进行了总结和分析。通过实验测试,验证了该方案的可行性。
关键词 :
小区变 ,
保测一体 ,
K60 ,
Abstract :This paper analyzed the application requirements of cell substation and factory substation for integrated Device with measurement & control and protection. It proposed a low-cost impletion design based on the K60 and MQX real-time operating system. Cost-effective K60 is the core of the design. Its software and hardware architecture is introduced in detail. It also analyzed the key technologies. The practical test verification has been carried out.
Key words :
cell substation
integrated device with measurement &
control and protection
出版日期: 2017-07-20
周健, 徐军, 刘大伟. 一种低成本智能线路保测一体装置研制[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(7): 55-58.
Zhou Jian, Xu Jun, Liu Dawei. Development of a Low Cost Line Intelligent Protection and Measurement Integrated Device. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(7): 55-58.
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