赵冠华, 张浩然, 周玉勇, 张自朋, 李桂举
许继电气直流输电分公司,河南 许昌 461000
Application of automatic power curve semi-automatic import in converter station
Zhao Guanhua, Zhang Haoran, Zhou Yuyong, Zhang Zipeng, Li Guiju
HVDC Transmission Branch of XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000
摘要 本文指出了手动调节功率方式和自动功率控制方式在当前换流站运行中在功率调节需求方面的不足,介绍了功率曲线半自动导入功能的原理以及在换流站中实现该功能所需的步骤,阐述了其完整的工作流程,分析了其相比手动调节功率方式和自动功率控制方式的优势,并将其与两文献中的功率调节方式进行了比较。
关键词 :
直流输电 ,
功率调节 ,
自动功率 ,
半自动导入 ,
Abstract :It is pointed out that the manual adjusting power mode and the automatic power control method are not sufficient for the power regulation demand in the current converter station operation condition, and then the principle of the function about the automatic power curve semi-automatic import and the steps required to realize the function in the converter station are introduced, the complete work flow is expounded.Furthermore, the advantages of this function compared with manual power regulation mode and automatic power control mode are analyzed. Finally, the function is compared with the power regulation in the literature[6] and literature[7].
Key words :
DC transmission
power regulation
automatic power
semi-automatic import
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
收稿日期: 2019-06-19
出版日期: 2020-01-18
作者简介 : 赵冠华(1982-),男,山西平遥人,硕士研究生,工程师,主要从事直流输电工程监控系统研究工作。
赵冠华, 张浩然, 周玉勇, 张自朋, 李桂举. 自动功率曲线半自动导入在换流站中的应用[J]. 电气技术, 2020, 21(1): 93-96.
Zhao Guanhua, Zhang Haoran, Zhou Yuyong, Zhang Zipeng, Li Guiju. Application of automatic power curve semi-automatic import in converter station. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 93-96.
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