吴科, 乔运松, 熊刚, 殷业成, 王东
国网重庆市电力公司检修分公司,重庆 400039
Failure analysis of partial discharge of coaxial cable
Wu Ke, Qiao Yunsong, Xiong Gang, Yin Yecheng, Wang Dong
State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Maintenance Branch, Chongqing 400039
摘要 高压电缆线路在城市供电体系中的比重越来越大,其交叉互联系统发生异常将造成线路无法投入运行。本文对一起110kV交联聚乙烯高压电缆绝缘接头处同轴电缆的放电故障进行分析,通过分析确定了故障原因为绝缘接头处同轴电缆半导电层剥削不到位,形成半导电尖端,局部电场畸变的同时使内外导体间绝缘阻值大幅降低,加速局部放电的烧蚀损伤,最终导致同轴电缆烧蚀击穿。为此,对接地系统的同轴电缆的施工工艺提出了针对性的要求和改进措施,对于提高电缆线路的供电可靠性具有重要意义。
关键词 :
交叉互联 ,
同轴电缆 ,
半导电层 ,
Abstract :The The proportion of high-voltage cable lines in the urban power supply system is increasing, but the abnormality of the cross-connected system will cause the line to be put into operation. In this paper, the discharge fault of a coaxial cable at 110kV XLPE high-voltage cable insulation joint is analyzed. The cause of the fault is that the semi-conducting layer of the coaxial cable is not stripped at the insulation joint, forming a semi-conductive tip and local electric field distortion. At the same time, the insulation resistance between the inner and outer conductors is greatly reduced, and the ablation damage of the partial discharge is accelerated, eventually leading to ablation breakdown of the coaxial cable. For this reason, the specific requirements and improvement measures for the construction process of the coaxial cable of the grounding system are put forward, which is of great significance for improving the power supply reliability of the cable line.
Key words :
coaxial cable
semi-conductive layer
partial discharge
收稿日期: 2019-11-11
作者简介 : 吴 科(1990-),男,硕士,工程师,研究方向为高压电缆绝缘状态检测与故障诊断。
吴科, 乔运松, 熊刚, 殷业成, 王东. 一起同轴电缆发生局部放电的故障分析[J]. 电气技术, 2020, 21(6): 83-87.
Wu Ke, Qiao Yunsong, Xiong Gang, Yin Yecheng, Wang Dong. Failure analysis of partial discharge of coaxial cable. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 83-87.
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