Abstract:A new neutral point balance algorithm for three-level photovoltaic converter is adopted in this paper. The algorithm is realized in carrier wave form. The zero-sequence component needed in a carrier period is calculated for neutral point balance is calculated. The zero-sequence component is added to the modulation wave to control neutral point voltage. This method does not need sector judgment and complex geometry processing, it is simple and easy to implement in project. The experiment results verify the correctness and validity of the algorithm.
苏家庆. 一种新的三电平光伏逆变器中点平衡算法[J]. 电气技术, 2016, 17(8): 46-49.
Su Jiaqing. The New Neutral Point Balance Algorithm for Three-Level Photovoltaic Converter. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(8): 46-49.
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