宋晓斌1 , 陈剑青2 , 李天华3 , 陈军4
1. 中广核工程有限公司,广东 深圳 518124; 2. 中国水利水电第十六工程局有限公司,福州 350003; 3. 广东拓奇电力技术发展有限公司,广州 510530; 4. 成都海光核电技术服务有限公司,成都 610000
Monitoring and Correction Strategy of GIL'S Vertical Deformation in Operation of Nuclear Power Plant
Song Xiaobin1 , Chen Jianqing2 , Li Tianhua3 , Chen Jun4
1. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518124; 2. Sinohydro Bureau 16 Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350003; 3. Guangdong Topkey Power Technical Development Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510530; 4. Chen Du Haiguang Nuclear Technology Service Co., Ltd, Chengdu 610000
摘要 针对核电厂运行中GIL所出现的竖向形变增大问题,本文结合实际案例,介绍了核电厂GIL竖向形变问题的处理过程,阐述分析了GIL竖向形变的产生原因,并给出相应的监控与校正策略。
关键词 :
竖向形变 ,
Abstract :Aiming at the GIL’s vertical deformation increase problem in operation of nuclear power plant. In this paper, the vertical deformation process of the GIL in nuclear power plant is introduced, and the causes of the vertical deformation of the GIL are analyzed, and the corresponding monitoring and correcting strategies are given.
Key words :
vertical deformation
foundation settlement
出版日期: 2017-05-23
作者简介 : 宋晓斌(1975-),男,工程师,从事核电厂现场设备服务与管理工作。
宋晓斌, 陈剑青, 李天华, 陈军. 核电厂运行中GIL竖向形变的监控与校正策略[J]. 电气技术, 2017, 18(5): 82-86.
Song Xiaobin, Chen Jianqing, Li Tianhua, Chen Jun. Monitoring and Correction Strategy of GIL'S Vertical Deformation in Operation of Nuclear Power Plant. Electrical Engineering, 2017, 18(5): 82-86.
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