电气技术  2013, Vol. 14 Issue (01): 43-45    DOI:
技术与应用 |
陈邓伟1, 王长义2
1.河南电力技师学院, 郑州 450051 ;
2.河南省郑州供电公司, 郑州 450051
Research on Heat Generation of Electrical Equipment Based on Power Loss
Chen Dengwei1, Wang Changyi2
1.Henan Electric Power College Technician, Zhengzhou 450051;
2.Henan Zhengzhou Power Supply Company, Zhengzhou 450051
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摘要 电气设备的发热不仅会影响设备的电气特性, 同时还会危及设备绝缘的安全, 生产中的许多电气事故都是由发热引起的, 因此, 解决此类问题的关键就是研究设备产生发热的机理。目前, 在电气设备的红外测温研究中, 对发热故障的诊断, 是基于电流型故障致热和电压型故障致热原理进行归类分析的, 但电力生产实践中, 设备故障致热的原因有很多、产生情况又比较复杂, 若把设备发热仅仅归为某一类型致热进行分析, 往往不能从根本上解释清楚。本文从功率损耗致热的角度, 针对生产中的各种发热问题进行归纳分析, 可以彻底解释不同类型设备发热的内在原因, 从而为生产人员处理设备发热提出参考的理论基础。
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关键词 电导损耗极化损耗电离损耗涡流损耗磁滞损耗    
Abstract:The heat generation of electrical equipment will not only affect the electrical characteristics of the device, while also endanger the safety of the equipment insulation. Many electrical accidents in production are caused by heat; therefore, the key to solve such problems is to research in the mechanism of equipment generating heat. At present, in the research of infrared temperature measurement of the electrical equipment, the diagnosis and analysis of the heat problem is classified into current-mode and voltage-mode. But there are various situations that cause heat in the practice of power production, and often they are complicated. If we only classify and analyze them in current-mode or voltage-mode, it is difficult to explain it clearly from the foundation. From the viewpoint of power loss causing heat, this thesis summarized and analyzed all situations that cause heat. After completely explaining the underlying causes of heat generation of different types of equipment, we can provide better theoretical reference for the treatment to equipment heat.
Key wordsconductivity loss    polarization loss    ionization loss    eddy current loss    hysteresis loss   
收稿日期: 2014-06-26      出版日期: 2014-06-26
陈邓伟, 王长义. 基于功率损耗原理分析的电气设备发热研究[J]. 电气技术, 2013, 14(01): 43-45. Chen Dengwei, Wang Changyi. Research on Heat Generation of Electrical Equipment Based on Power Loss. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(01): 43-45.