刘起兴, 刘淼, 周华锋, 张勇, 辛阔
南方电网电力调度控制中心调度处,广州 510663
KPI index system for CSG online security monitoring
Liu Qixing, Liu Miao, Zhou Huafeng, Zhang Yong, Xin Kuo
China Southern Power Grid Dispatch Center, Guangzhou 510663
摘要 本文围绕电力系统安全性的定义和控制论的基本思想,完善和补充了南方电网电力运行驾驶舱(power system operation cockpit, POC)已有的安全评价指标体系。改进后的指标体系能够全面反映电力系统运行与控制过程中的各个环节,包括电力物理系统本体、三道防线、自动控制系统、信号传输系统、受控设备等。同时,新指标体系中的各项指标均能从南方电网一体化电网运行智能系统(operation smart system, OS2)提取支撑数据,具有较强的现实可行性。
关键词 :
电力运行驾驶舱 ,
指标体系 ,
智能运行系统 ,
Abstract :According to the definition of power system security and control theory, this paper has perfected and supplemented the available security evaluation index system of power system operation cockpit (POC) in china southern power grid (CSG). The improved index system can fully reflect each sections in the operation and control process of power system, including physical property of power system, three defense lines, auto-control system, signal transmission system, controlled equipment and so on. And it’s strong practical that all the indicator data in the new index system can be extracted from OSG operation smart system (OS2).
Key words :
power system operation cockpit
index system
intelligent operation system
three defense lines
收稿日期: 2018-06-04
出版日期: 2018-11-16
作者简介 : 刘起兴(1985-),男,工程师,博士研究生,主要从事调度运行 工作。
刘起兴, 刘淼, 周华锋, 张勇, 辛阔. 南方电网在线安全监视KPI指标体系[J]. 电气技术, 2018, 19(11): 76-81.
Liu Qixing, Liu Miao, Zhou Huafeng, Zhang Yong, Xin Kuo. KPI index system for CSG online security monitoring. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 76-81.
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