电气技术  2013, Vol. 14 Issue (09): 44-48    DOI:
技术与应用 |
刘希和1, 刘佳俊2, 柯贤友1, 余诗俊1, 汤国锋1
1.江西赣西供电公司, 江西 新余 338000;
2.美国亚利桑拉州立大学, 美国 坦佩
The Experiment and Application of Induced Voltage Bird Expelling Method on 220kV Transmission Line
Liu Xihe1, Liu Jiajun2, Ke Xianyou1, Yu Shijun1, Tang Guofeng1
1.Ganxi Power Supply Company, Xinyu, Jiangxi 33800;
2.Arizona State University, AZ, Tempe, USA