Abstract:Hysteresis modeling of electromagnetic current transformers is an important theoretical tool for analyzing the transmission characteristics of electromagnetic current transformers. This paper details the mathematical mechanism of hysteresis modeling of Jiles-Atherton model, derives the time-domain differential equation of excitation current according to the equivalent circuit diagram of electromagnetic current transformer, and establishes the electromagnetic current based on Jiles-Atherton model and the time-domain differential equation of excitation current Transformer simulation model. The Hysteresis Modeling of electromagnetic current transformer is realized by using Simulink programming. Simulation results of current transmission show that the model in this paper can correctly represent the transmission characteristics of primary and secondary current with phase difference in actual operation and the transmission law of secondary side with different loads, which provides theoretical basis for the application design and fault analysis of current transformer.
苏贤, 项宇锴. 不同负载特性下的全工况电流互感器仿真研究[J]. 电气技术, 2021, 22(2): 48-53.
SU Xian, XIANG Yukai. Simulation of current transformer under different load characteristics. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 48-53.
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