电气技术  2021, Vol. 22 Issue (8): 15-24    DOI:
研究与开发 |
王永刚1, 孙羽苗1, 张楠楠1, 孝锐敏1, 张明鉴2
1.沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866;
2.国网辽宁省电力有限公司检修分公司,沈阳 110003
Application of nonlinear decoupling method based on unscented Kalman filter in thermal power units
WANG Yonggang1, SUN Yumiao1, ZHANG Nannan1, XIAO Ruimin1, ZHANG Mingjian2
1. School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866;
2. State Grid Liaoning Maintenance Company, Shenyang 110003