李斌, 白晶
中车大同电力机车有限公司,山西 大同 037038
Sneak circuit analysis and design improvement of HXD2 technical promotion electric locomotive
LI Bin, BAI Jing
CRRC Datong Co., Ltd, Datong, Shanxi 037038
摘要 根据蓄电池上电、接地检测、机车照明等控制电路结构,对HXD2技术提升电力机车的潜在电路进行分析,找出控制电源接地故障的原因,并改进电路结构设计,消除潜在电路,解决接地故障误报问题。
关键词 :
HXD2技术提升 ,
电力机车 ,
接地检测 ,
Abstract :According to the control circuit structure of battery power-on, grounding detection, interior lighting, etc., the sneak circuit of the HXD2 technical promotion electric locomotive is analyzed. The cause of the grounding fault of the control power supply is found. The circuit structure is improved to eliminate the existing sneak circuit, and the grounding fault false alarm problem is solved.
Key words :
HXD2 technical promotion
electric locomotive
grounding detection
sneak circuit analysis
收稿日期: 2021-12-13
作者简介 : 李 斌(1990—),男,山西省忻州市人,硕士,工程师,从事电力机车电气设计工作。
李斌, 白晶. HXD2技术提升电力机车潜在电路分析及设计改进[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(5): 73-75.
LI Bin, BAI Jing. Sneak circuit analysis and design improvement of HXD2 technical promotion electric locomotive. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(5): 73-75.
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