Abstract:Research on gas discharge processes using multi-physical coupling analysis software COMSOL is reviewed in this paper. The establishments of one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical models of different electrode structures, finding the solution of the coupled physical equations and simulation of different gas discharge processes by a finite element method are included. As an important means to assist COMSOL numerical simulation, experimental method is used to verify the simulation results, mainly including oscilloscope detection method and emission spectrum method. The research results show that parameters,such as electric field strength, electron density, particle density, and electron temperature, are affected by dielectric constants, dielectric thickness, discharge gap, aerial speed, gas componentsand pulse parameters in different discharge forms. Finally, the insufficiency in the research of gas discharge based on finite element method is discussed.
车瑞, 孙明. 基于有限元法的气体放电模拟综述[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(7): 18-25.
CHE Rui, SUN Ming. A review of gas discharge simulation based on finite element method. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 18-25.
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