Abstract:The output voltage of photovoltaic power generation system is low, which is difficult to meet the requirements of the input voltage level of grid-connected inverter. In this paper, a single-switch high-gain and low-voltage stress DC converter is proposed for photovoltaic system. The main features of the converter are: ① its voltage gain is twice that of the traditional Boost converter; ② the voltage stress of the power semiconductor device is half of that of the traditional Boost converter, which is conducive to selecting power devices with low voltage stress and low on-resistance; ③ the capacitor is discharged in series and charged in parallel, and the potential difference between the input and output is small. The working principle, characteristics and working mode of the converter are analyzed in detail. The performance is compared with other converters of the same type. Finally the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed converter are verified by experimental prototype.
余振海, 胡雪峰, 徐紫俊, 汪慧茹, 徐晗. 单开关高增益低电压应力直流变换器[J]. 电气技术, 2022, 23(7): 34-41.
YU Zhenhai, HU Xuefeng, XU Zijun, WANG Huiru, XU Han. Single switch high gain low voltage stress DC converter. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(7): 34-41.
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