范良志, 林子镇, 陈振, 刘毅航
武汉纺织大学机械工程与自动化学院,武汉 430073
Research progress and challenges of the linear motor technology for direct driving knitting needle
FAN Liangzhi, LIN Zizhen, CHEN Zhen, LIU Yihang
School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073
摘要 织针直驱直线电机技术能够以数量级水平提升传统针织工艺的生产效率,具备实现三维织物自由编织的潜力。由于技术难度和经济成本的双重挑战,长期以来织针直驱直线电机技术的研究需求不明,关键技术不清,发展极为缓慢。本文从针织机械基础性关键指标出发,明确织针直驱直线电机技术的研究需求,归纳总结超薄直线电机设计、超薄电机阵列的多物理场耦合、多自由度电机阵列三项关键技术,综述了国内外相关研究概况,着重阐明电织针方案的研究进展,指出当前多物理场耦合结构失效机理和控制策略研究面临的挑战及相应对策,正面回应了传统纺织产业发展面临的时代命题。
关键词 :
织针 ,
直线电机阵列 ,
多物理场耦合 ,
Abstract :The linear motor technology for direct driving knitting needle is able to improve production efficiency of conventional knitting processes by an order of magnitude, and has the potential to achieve three-dimension fabrics weaving in the future. In a long time, because of the dual challenges of technical difficulty and economic cost, it's obscure in the research demand of direct knitting linear motor, and corresponding technology develops very slowly. This paper starts from the fundamental performance specifications of knitting machine and makes the research demand clear. Three key technologies are summarized, including ultra-thin linear motor design, multi-physics field coupling in ultra-thin linear motor martrix, and multi-degree-of-freedom motor matrix. Comprehensive domestic and foreign researches are reviewed, and the research progress of electric knitting needle design is made clear in detail. Current challenges and corresponding countermeasures are put forward regarding structural failure mechanism that arises from multi-physics field coupling inside linear motor matrix, which positively responds the ergent era development question of tradition textile industry.
Key words :
knitting needle
linear motor matrix
multi-physics field coupling
multi-degree- of-freedom motor
收稿日期: 2024-02-05
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(50805109); 教育部人文社科规划项目(19YJAZH014)
作者简介 : 范良志(1976—),男,湖北省云梦县人,副教授,主要研究方向为直线电机、电机控制、工业机器人、人工智能等。
范良志, 林子镇, 陈振, 刘毅航. 织针直驱直线电机技术研究进展与挑战[J]. 电气技术, 2024, 25(6): 1-13.
FAN Liangzhi, LIN Zizhen, CHEN Zhen, LIU Yihang. Research progress and challenges of the linear motor technology for direct driving knitting needle. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(6): 1-13.
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