耿祥瑞1 , 刘舒杨1 , 柴斌1 , 陈昱卓2 , 黄俊昌2
1.国网宁夏电力有限公司超高压公司,银川 750011; 2.中国电力科学研究院有限公司武汉分院,武汉 430074
Analysis on super luminescent diode light source attenuation fault of fiber optical current transformer
GENG Xiangrui1 , LIU Shuyang1 , CHAI Bin1 , CHEN Yuzhuo2 , HUANG Junchang2
1. State Grid Ningxia Ultra High Voltage Company, Yinchuan 750011; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, Wuhan Branch, Wuhan 430074
摘要 超辐射发光二极管(SLD)光源在光纤电流互感器(FOCT)运行过程中大多有光功率衰减现象,这对FOCT的使用寿命有较大影响。为分析SLD光源性能衰减故障,对5组试品开展性能试验,通过试验分析SLD光源耦合结构,测试SLD光源中管芯与尾纤的耦合性能,并分析SLD光源性能衰减的原因。结果表明,管芯与光纤耦合失效和叠加引脚焊接失效是引起光源衰减的主要原因。
关键词 :
光纤电流互感器(FOCT) ,
超辐射发光二极管(SLD)光源 ,
耦合结构 ,
Abstract :Super luminescent diode (SLD) light source mostly has optical power attenuation phenomenon in the operation process of fiber optical current transformer (FOCT), which has a great impact on the service life of FOCT. In order to analyze the performance attenuation fault of SLD light source, a total of 5 groups of samples are collected to carry out performance test and failure analysis. The coupling structure of SLD light source is analyzed, the coupling performance of the tube core and the tail fiber in the SLD light source is tested, and the reasons for the performance attenuation of SLD light source are analyzed. Finally, the coupling failure of the tube core and the fiber and the stacked pin welding failure are the main reasons for the attenuation of the light source.
Key words :
fiber optical current transformer (FOCT)
super luminescent diode (SLD) light source
coupling structure
light source attenuation
收稿日期: 2024-06-18
基金资助: 国网宁夏电力有限公司科技项目(5229CG230009)
作者简介 : 耿祥瑞(1991—),男,甘肃庆阳人,本科,主要从事特高压直流运检及电子式电流互感器可靠性提升与智能运维研究工作。
耿祥瑞, 刘舒杨, 柴斌, 陈昱卓, 黄俊昌. 光纤电流互感器超辐射发光二极管光源衰减故障分析[J]. 电气技术, 2024, 25(12): 21-27.
GENG Xiangrui, LIU Shuyang, CHAI Bin, CHEN Yuzhuo, HUANG Junchang. Analysis on super luminescent diode light source attenuation fault of fiber optical current transformer. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(12): 21-27.
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