The Finite Element Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Traction Motor Reactance Parameters |
Han Xueyan,Chen Quanwen,Chen Ping |
National Engineering Research Center for REPM Electrical Machines of Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract The permanent magnet (PM) synchronous traction motor has the features of small volume, high power density, high overloading ability, high efficient and power factor. Reactance parameters have great influence on the design of PM synchronous traction motor, the turning speed of equilibrium constant torque performance and the highest speed of field-weakening constant-power performance. Using the finite element analysis software Ansoft, the quadrature-direct (d-q) axis reactance parameters of PM synchronous motor were calculated, the curves of d-q axis reactance parameters with the change of motor parameters, and the effects of motor parameters on reactance parameters were analyzed.
Published: 28 March 2013
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Han Xueyan,Chen Quanwen,Chen Ping. The Finite Element Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Traction Motor Reactance Parameters[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(03): 1-4.
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