Design and Application of 66kV Light Control Water-cooled Valves with Trigger-box |
Hu Jianhua,Si Mingqi,Liu Guoen |
Rongxin Power Electronic Co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051 |
Abstract In order to achieve 66kV and above high-voltage reactive power compensation, 66kV Light control water-cooled Valves with Trigger-box is developed. 66kV Light control water-cooled Valves with Trigger-box is applied in the field of electric power and metallurgy,and it can be used in Static Var Compensation of 66kV and above Voltage level, Application prospects is extensive. Taking Liaoning Fushun 66kV substation project as an example, the design of the valves, trigger-box、thyristor unit、RC unit、feedback unit and water-cooled unit were analyzed and introduced, it was proved that 66kV Light control water-cooled Valves with Trigger-box is necessity and advantages.
Published: 28 March 2013
Cite this article: |
Hu Jianhua,Si Mingqi,Liu Guoen. Design and Application of 66kV Light Control Water-cooled Valves with Trigger-box[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(03): 31-34.
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