Research on Field Testing Method for Characteristic of LightingProtection Grounding in Secondary System |
Tian Zhigang1, Li Jianming2, Wen Li1, Guo Qiang3 |
1.Xihua University, Chengdu 610039; 2.Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Chengdu, 610072; 3.Leshan Electric Power Bureau, Leshan, Sichuan 614000 |
Abstract Due to field test is rarely performed on the characteristics of secondary system lightningprotection grounding, based on impulse current, one secondary system with independent grounding gridsis tested in the field, which is in a station at PZH steel. The potential rises of the neutral point of the lowvoltage power supply, independent grids and the main grounding grids are measured when differentroutes of current wave invasion into secondary system. And then potential difference between them isanalyzed. The experimental results on this problem are discussed and researched, meanwhile thecharacteristics of secondary system grounding is introduced in this article. According to the test results, it is suggested that the station should strengthen management on operation of secondary system, andsome methods of rectifiable technique are simply proposed.
Received: 26 June 2014
Published: 25 July 2013
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Tian Zhigang,Li Jianming,Wen Li等. Research on Field Testing Method for Characteristic of LightingProtection Grounding in Secondary System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(04): 33-36.
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