Cause Analysis on the Flashover Fault from Ice Covering of Ningxia Grid and Countermeasures |
Han Siman1, Li Xiuguang2 |
1.Ningxia Industrial and Commercial Vocational Technical College, Yinchuan 750021; 2.Electric Power Science Research Institute of Ningxia Electric Power Corporation, Yinchuan 750011 |
Abstract This paper introduces the ice covering flashover fault of Ningxia grid in 2012. It analyzes the reasons of the fault and puts forward the preventive measures.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Han Siman,Li Xiuguang. Cause Analysis on the Flashover Fault from Ice Covering of Ningxia Grid and Countermeasures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(09): 41-43.
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