Study on Voltage Fluctuation Tracking of Distribution System Based on HHT |
Chen Gang, Jiang Zhengxin, Qiu Dongxiao, Bu Nengyuan, Ni Kun |
Zhejiang Jiaxing Electric Power Bureau, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000 |
Abstract For the voltage of distribution system often fluctuates, HHT is proposed in voltage fluctuation tracking. In order to solve the problem of end effect in the process of empirical mode decomposition(EMD),a self-adaptive method named improved waveform matching is applied in dealing with the end issue. Voltage fluctuations is reflected by two parameters named voltage amplitude and frequency of each intrinsic mode function(IMF) in HHT. The practicality of the method is verified by Matlab simulation.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Chen Gang,Jiang Zhengxin,Qiu Dongxiao等. Study on Voltage Fluctuation Tracking of Distribution System Based on HHT[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(09): 6-9.
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