Function of the Power Switch States and its Applicationon Multi-Level Inverter’s Analysis |
Liu Hanyang, Huang Songqing |
School of Electrical Engineering & Information, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan, Anhui 243002 |
Abstract Since the switching devices in power electronic devices are operating in nonlinear states, extensive analysis of devices is difficult in a long time. An analysis method based on switch states function is proposed which makes many mathematical analysis tools available in the analysis of power electronics devices. The range of function value can be defined as the PWM signals, the traditional PWM algorithms can be transformed into multi-level PWM signal and the PWM signal can be derived from the expected performance parameters of inverter. By analyzing the multi-level inverter in this new method, a simplified way to design the switching sequence and a computation method of the inverter output wave’s THD are proposed. The proposed analysis method is verified by simulation and experimental results from a laboratory prototype based on TMS320F2812 DSP. The algorithms can be coupled into DSP source code by the Matlab RTW easily.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Liu Hanyang,Huang Songqing. Function of the Power Switch States and its Applicationon Multi-Level Inverter’s Analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(10): 19-24.
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