Research and Simulate of the Line-Selection for Cable Line to Earth Fault in Mining System |
Wang jie1, 2, Zhao yan1, Yang Peihong1, Meng Dezhou1 |
1. School Of Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010; 2. Barun mine Co., Ltd, Baotou Steel Group Crop, Baotou 014080 |
Abstract With the increase of mine power consumption and the impact of the mine operation environment, mine cable short-circuit earthing fault probability is more and more. Mine supply system uses a neutral non-effectively grounded way, when a fault occurs, fault signal is not easily detected, lead to maintenance time is long. Not only affect the service life of the equipment but also delay the expected output causing huge losses. The paper introduces the concept of power system short circuit fault and types, Combined with the characteristics of the power system short-circuit fault was proposed based on comparative fault zero sequence current waveforms for line selection method. Finally, In the MATLAB simulation environment to verify this method, Simulation results show that the method can judge the fault line effectively.
Published: 23 January 2014
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Wang jie,Zhao yan,Yang Peihong等. Research and Simulate of the Line-Selection for Cable Line to Earth Fault in Mining System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(12): 29-32.
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