New Detection Method for Power System High Harmonics Based on the Theory of Wavelet Packet |
Zheng Ye, Zhou Lixing, Chen Zhao, Huang Hai |
Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410076 |
Abstract The grid harmonic detection has been problem for power system,and there is a need to be solved but it's not formed a standardized method. In this paper,it's creatively proposed a method with using wavelet energy spectrum for the high harmonics effectively identification, and it has simulation and feasibility analysis. The results show that the power spectrum of the wavelet packet for the identification of high harmonics of the power system is an effective. And it can be accurately extracted the transient component of the signal, he harmonics' beginning time, amplitude, mutation signals' beginning of time, while it can not be solved by Fourier Transform that is effective.
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Zheng Ye,Zhou Lixing,Chen Zhao等. New Detection Method for Power System High Harmonics Based on the Theory of Wavelet Packet[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(6): 10-14.
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