Application Profiles of Least Support Vector Machine in Short-term <br/>Wind Speed Forecasting |
Xu Beibei, Zhang Zhengguo, Zheng Xinlong, He Xutao, Jing Qiang |
Zhoushan Power Bureau, Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000 |
Abstract Based on the principle of LS-SVM, the feasibility and superiority of the LS-SVM method of Short term wind speed forecasting are essentially clarified. Some problems about the application of LS-SVM, including data pre-processing, the constructing and current solutions are provided respectively. For a series of LS-SVM-based improvements and some combination forecasting methods consisting of LS-SVM with other algorithms, a comprehensive summary is given,from the perspective of the mechanism about LS-SVM algorithm being applied to Short term wind speed forecasting, and the elevation of prediction accuracy and speed. Finally, some key issues about LS-SVM-based Short term wind speed forecasting are summarized and some recommendations are given.
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Xu Beibei,Zhang Zhengguo,Zheng Xinlong等. Application Profiles of Least Support Vector Machine in Short-term <br/>Wind Speed Forecasting[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(6): 22-25.
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