Demonstration Research on Air Conditioning Load Shaving Power Grid Peak Orderly |
Si Xiaoqing1, Cao Weiguo2, Ren Shanrong3, Chu Haibing3 |
1.State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company, Nanjing 210019; 2.Five-C Smart Power Grid Technology Co.,Ltd, Nanjing 211106; 3.Jiangsu ELE Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210042 |
Abstract The air conditioning load has become an important load of power grid. The rapid growth of the air conditioning load has become the main cause of seasonal power shortage, especially in summer, the air conditioning load is 30%~40% proportion of peak load, increased supply gap of peak load, affect the safe and stable operation of power grid. However,The air conditioning load is lack of reasonable regulation in present, if can find clusters air conditioning the overall control efficiency, will provide a powerful guarantee for the orderly peak power. This paper carried out the empirical research of air conditioning load controling for shaving power grid peak orderly, gives the scheme of air conditioning load construction with transformation and control software design, put forward a variety of air conditioning load control strategy, comparison and verification of different control strategies of cluster air conditioning load implementation feasibility and effect of shaving power grid peak orderly.
Received: 30 July 2014
Published: 23 January 2014
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Si Xiaoqing, Cao Weiguo, Ren Shanrong等. Demonstration Research on Air Conditioning Load Shaving Power Grid Peak Orderly[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(01): 47-51.
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