The Online Transient Security Assessment of PEMFC Distributed Generation System in the Underground Works |
Li Ji1, Chen Li2 |
1.PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210007; 2.PLA Naval Command College, Nanjing 320100 |
Abstract As air strike has become main attack way, the internal energy system of underground works is facing a pressing matter of the moment is how to deal with the threat of modern war. With the development of smart grid technology, PEMFC distributed generation system provides an important way to solve the problem. Application of BP neural network to monitor the PEMFC distributed power system's running parameters and evaluate system transient security, to maintain power system performance, improve the efficiency of maintenance.
Published: 25 March 2014
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Li Ji,Chen Li. The Online Transient Security Assessment of PEMFC Distributed Generation System in the Underground Works[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(03): 50-54.
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