The Analysis of Technology Error of the 220kV High-voltage Cable Terminal Head and Preventive Measures |
Zhou Duojun |
Zhanjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524099 |
Abstract Set The 220kV XLPE terminal for example,combined with the installation technology requirement of high voltage cable terminal,analysised the possibility of technology error for the high voltage cable terminal during thenstallation process.introduced A case that error analysis and processing.Put forward the preventive measures to prevent the installation technology errors of high voltage cable terminal and the quality hidden trouble,by compile detailed and proofread carefully,and audit strict,and visaed on-site the work instruction and process control card,and strengthened the arrival of the acceptance for the attachment materials. so as to improve the quality of the whole cable engineering.
Published: 05 November 2014
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Zhou Duojun. The Analysis of Technology Error of the 220kV High-voltage Cable Terminal Head and Preventive Measures[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(08): 44-47.
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