Traction Transformer No-load Harmonic Current Characteristics Analysis |
Li Jianhua1, Guo Lifei2, Zhao Liping1 |
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract Because of the simple wiring, less components and high sensitivity, open-delta voltage protection is widely used in 10kV shunt capacitors protection. With the development of the grid, a large number of shunt capacitors are put into operation in the grid, but shunt capacitor open-delta voltage protection malfunctions easily because of the initial unbalance. This paper analyzes the influence of initial unbalance of shunt capacitors open-delta voltage protection through unbalance capacitor, three-phase unbalance power voltage and the performance difference of discharge coil, and simulates by PSCD/EMTDC, which provides an important reference for the actual protection setting.
Published: 04 November 2014
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Li Jianhua,Guo Lifei,Zhao Liping. Traction Transformer No-load Harmonic Current Characteristics Analysis[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2014, 15(10): 24-26.
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