Design for New Electric Acquisition Terminal Test Bench Base on ARM |
Chen Shuiming,Guo Yinshan,Zhu Yunfei,Yang Jiandong,Wu Yunjia |
Zhejiang Harnpu Electric Technology Co.,Ltd,Haiyan,Zhejiang 314300 |
Abstract In this paper,electric information acquisition terminal detecting device that adopts ARM detecting unit is introduced,its innovation points are mainly: Cortex-M3+ uC/OS-II embedded system platform is adopted as collection and communication detecting unit for acquisition terminal signal,serial communication 485 communication expansion and various signal analogue acquisition is completed,and serial server used in conventional design scheme is abandoned. The new product developed on the basis has the advantages of simple structure and reliable communication,etc.
Received: 22 January 2015
Published: 19 January 2015
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Chen Shuiming,Guo Yinshan,Zhu Yunfei等. Design for New Electric Acquisition Terminal Test Bench Base on ARM[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(01): 91-94.
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