The Research on Simplified Calculation for Current-Carrying Capacity of Aluminum Alloy Core Aluminum Strand Conductor |
Ye Fang, Ma Chong, Zhang Jian |
Tianjin Electric Power Corporation Electric Power Research Institute, Tianjin 300384 |
Abstract According to the characteristics that the current-carrying capacity calculation of aluminum alloy core aluminum stranded conductor is complicated, the paper proposes a simplified method for calculating the current-carrying capacity of the wire. It is studied the theoretical method for calculating the current-carrying capacity of the wire, according to the characteristics of steel core aluminum stranded wire and aluminum alloy cored aluminum strand, the differences in current-carrying calculation is analyzed, it proposed the calculation method for current-carrying of aluminum alloy core aluminum stranded conductor can be simplified, and the method is used to calculate some aluminum alloy core aluminum stranded in different ambient temperature. Then the experiment of current-carrying capacity on the wire is done, the experimental value is recorded, it compared the calculated value and experimental value, it analyzed the reasons of errors of simplified calculation method. The experimental results show that the simplified method amount of calculation is significantly reduced, and the calculation accuracy, meeting the requirements of engineering, which can be a reference for the current-carrying capacity analysis of aluminum alloy core aluminum stranded conductor.
Published: 10 February 2015
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Ye Fang,Ma Chong,Zhang Jian. The Research on Simplified Calculation for Current-Carrying Capacity of Aluminum Alloy Core Aluminum Strand Conductor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(02): 45-48.
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