Energy Scheduling Management Strategy of Photovoltaic Energy Storage Station |
Ming Lingling, Han Xiaoping, Yu Dayang |
School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250061 |
Abstract In order to realize reducing peak clipping and valley filling and maximize the utilization of PV power, the energy management strategy of photovoltaic energy storage station is given on the principle that the time when the electrical load is low is given priority to charge batteries and the time when the electrical load is high is given priority to discharge batteries. The strategy include the conventional dispatcher and emergency dispatcher. The conventional dispatcher can control the charge and discharge power of batteries in normal situations, and the emergency dispatcher can meet the electricity demand of regular users in a short span of time when a fault takes place in a distribution network. The research result shows that the energy management strategy of photovoltaic energy storage station can postpone the device capacity upgrades and improve the ability in load adjustment and economic benefit of power grids.
Received: 20 April 2015
Published: 23 March 2015
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Ming Lingling,Han Xiaoping,Yu Dayang. Energy Scheduling Management Strategy of Photovoltaic Energy Storage Station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(03): 25-29.
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