The Research of Ant Colony Algorithm in Distribution Network Fault Location |
Kan Feifei Ju Rong Ju Yong |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210042 |
Abstract For the improvement of the searching speed and the fault-tolerant ability of the distribution network’s fault location,distribution network model is simplified based on variable structure dissipation of theory. Meanwhile, On the basis of the simplified model in distribution network,traditional ant colony algorithm is modified in the following three aspects. Firstly, a new methodof setting the initial pheromone concentration is put forward. Then, plus-minus pheromone updating mechanism and dynamic adjustment of pheromone concentration are led in. Finally, the disturbance is initiated in case of algorithm stagnation, avoiding plunging into local optimum. As the results of calculation example show, the modified ant colony algorithm is applied to both single point and more points of failure. At the same time, the advantages of the improved ant colony algorithm in researching speed and error tolerance are verified.
Received: 20 April 2015
Published: 23 March 2015
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Kan Feifei Ju Rong Ju Yong. The Research of Ant Colony Algorithm in Distribution Network Fault Location[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(03): 40-44.
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