Simulation Study of Application of VSC-HVDC in Urban Distribution Network |
Guo Yue, Zhang Hongbin, Yang Weihong, Liu Haibo |
State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 102209 |
Abstract Fast growth of the city load density asks for higher capability of power supplying and improved performance of urban distribution network. The development of AC power distribution network is facing more and more difficulties and challenges, and VSC HVDC technology will become one of the effective ways to solve the urban distribution network development. This paper builds in PSCAD/EMTDC a urban distribution network including a VSC transmission line with the property of receiving end, based on the equivalent urban distribution network model. A serials of simulation tests, including stability and transient stability simulation analysis, verify the positive functions at the aspects of voltage support the technology brings.
Published: 02 June 2015
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Guo Yue,Zhang Hongbin,Yang Weihong等. Simulation Study of Application of VSC-HVDC in Urban Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(06): 14-19.
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