Development of New Type Beam Fixation for Live Working on Distribution Network |
Meng Lu, Wang Yunlong, Zhang Zhifeng, Hu Xinhe |
State Grid Zhengzhou Power Supply Company, Zhengzhou 450000 |
Abstract Live working method is a common operation method on the reform about beeline pole with strain pole in distribution network reconstruction. However, after dismounting the hoop, the wires’ deadweight makes the beam hard to fixed, which seriously affects operation safety and efficiency. With analysis on the structure and force condition of pole and beam, a new type beam fixation is designed and made in this paper. And this device has some advantages such as portable flexible, simple operation and safe reliable. Then, its application effect is also analyzed. The results show that the work efficiency can be further improvement on the base of ensuring operation safety.
Published: 20 July 2015
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Meng Lu,Wang Yunlong,Zhang Zhifeng等. Development of New Type Beam Fixation for Live Working on Distribution Network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(07): 118-120.
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