Study on the Unit Oscillation by the Changes of Power Transducer Caused by Inrush Current |
Chen Gang1, Xu Guoming2, Cao Da2, Zhou Qian2, Lu Qiguang2 |
1. Wuhu Branch of China Power International Development Limited, Wuhu, Anhui 241009; 2. Zhejiang Harnpu Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Haiyan, Zhejiang 314300 |
Abstract In the generator monitoring system, widely use the power transducer to monitor the power of the generator and the load of generator. The internal fault, the grounding fault and the inrush current of the generator etc., these inrush signals can affect the power measure of the power transducer. This paper analyzes the changes of power transducer by short-term Inrush current, and states the processes of the power oscillation. The end of the paper put forward a method of using digital transducer.
Published: 28 October 2015
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Chen Gang,Xu Guoming,Cao Da等. Study on the Unit Oscillation by the Changes of Power Transducer Caused by Inrush Current[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 68-71.
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