Application of on-line Monitoring Technology in 500kV Substation of Jibei Power Grid |
Zhang Wei, Diao Yanping, Wang Jianwei, Wei Haijun, Tian Lin |
State Grid Jibei Maintenance Company, Beijing 102488 |
Abstract On-line monitoring technology commonly applied in Jibei power grid is introduced, including oil dissolved gas,partial discharge, earth current of iron core, capacitive equipments and metal oxide arrester on-line monitoring technology. Two application cases related to the defect of magnetic shield insulation in a power transformer and a fault in CVT given in this paper are given, with experiences on the monitoring and operation of such tests summarized briefly, and some suggestions on the implementation of on-line monitoring technology are proposed.
Published: 28 October 2015
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Zhang Wei,Diao Yanping,Wang Jianwei等. Application of on-line Monitoring Technology in 500kV Substation of Jibei Power Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(10): 95-99.
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