Design and Simulation of Cascaded H Bridge Multilevel Converters Used for Faults Arc Extinguishing of Distribution Networks |
Lin Xianhui, Guo Moufa, Zhang Weijun, Hong Cui, Gao Wei |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Cascaded H Bridge Multilevel Converters used for single phase grounding faults arc extinguishing can meet requirements of high voltage and high power of the distribution networks. At the same time, it can meet the requirements of fault current total compensation because of the good output characteristics. This paper designs the converter. It determines the parameters of the main circuit. Then choosing appropriate control strategy and molding. Besides, the dc voltage is provided by capacitor, so it designs voltage stabilizing circuit of dc side capacitors. Finally, it verifies design results by using PSCAD/EMTDC.
Published: 09 December 2015
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Lin Xianhui,Guo Moufa,Zhang Weijun等. Design and Simulation of Cascaded H Bridge Multilevel Converters Used for Faults Arc Extinguishing of Distribution Networks[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 10-14.
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