Research of MV-FSC for Improving Voltage Qualityin Rural Power Gridlong Transmission Line |
Zhou Xin1, Li Shengnan1, Qin Risheng1, Yu Hai2 |
1. Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute,Kunming 650217; 2. Rongxin Power Electronic, Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114000 |
Abstract The cause and current situation of rural power grid MV long transmissioning line low voltage problem is simply analysed, the basic priciple of MV-FSC in imporving the voltage quality of 10kV distribution lines is introduced. Through the simulation of installing MV-FSC in 10kV Niuda line, the effect of imporving the voltage quality and reduce the line loss is prved.
Published: 09 December 2015
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Zhou Xin,Li Shengnan,Qin Risheng等. Research of MV-FSC for Improving Voltage Qualityin Rural Power Gridlong Transmission Line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(12): 94-97.
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