Application and Analysis of Intelligent Arc Light Protection System |
Shen Haihong1, Feng Renqing2, Zhang Yansheng3, Bai Yunfei3 |
1. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company, Shijiazhuang 071000; 2. Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, Shijiazhuang 071000; 3. State Grid Shijiazhuang Power Supply Company, Shijiazhuang 071000 |
Abstract This article is focused on introducing the arc light protection specialist jointly developed by State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company and Baoding Unt Electric Co., Ltd. —structure of intelligent arc light protection system, describing its control principles, commissioning methods and its successful applications in main distribution 10kV low-voltage switch cabinet of Shijiazhuang Aobei Gongyuan District A, and discussing the advantages of this system by combining with the relay protection equipment.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
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Shen Haihong,Feng Renqing,Zhang Yansheng等. Application and Analysis of Intelligent Arc Light Protection System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2015, 16(8): 103-105.
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