Oil-Paper in Condenser Bushing Aging Evaluation based on Frequency Domain Dielectric Property |
Ke Chunjun, Ma Zhiqin, Yang Xian, Zhou Dan |
Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080 |
Abstract Bushing faults is one of the prime reasons causing transformer faults. It has been one of the problems demanding prompt solution for safe operation of the power grid at present. The hygroscopic property of insulation paper is much larger than dielectric oil, so study the moisture influence on the correlated characteristic of condenser bushing oil-paper insulation system during the thermal aging process. This will provide the theoretical basis of evaluating aging and humidified condition, and will be of great importance and necessity. The results are shown as follow: the integral values of ageing time and dielectric loss at feature region agree with linear rule, and the integral breadth of moisture and dielectric loss at feature region still agree with linear rule, which means that the integral value of dielectric loss is not only containing the information of aging degree, but also moisture content information of solid insulation. And the paper caculates accelerated aging factor and the loss rate of insulation life caused by the aging state based on the equation tloss=(FEQM×tEQ)/(100Lp).
Published: 26 October 2016
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Ke Chunjun,Ma Zhiqin,Yang Xian等. Oil-Paper in Condenser Bushing Aging Evaluation based on Frequency Domain Dielectric Property[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 59-64.
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