Research on 110kV Long Cable AC Voltage Withstand Test Under Multi-constrained Condition |
Liu Hailong, Wan Yinong, Zhou Duosi |
State Grid of Xiangtan Power Supply Company, Xiangtan, Hu’nan 411100 |
Abstract Introduces the basic principle of series resonance parallel compensation voltage withstand test. When the cable is withstanding voltage the tested equipment is constrained by voltage, current, frequency and quality. In accordance with the constraint condition designed an optimal algorithm to the existing reactor combination, which gave guide to cable AC voltage withstand test reactor combination. Through the algorithm and according to the existing equipment, designed a test plan to a certain long cable and verified by simulation and field implementation.
Published: 26 October 2016
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Liu Hailong,Wan Yinong,Zhou Duosi. Research on 110kV Long Cable AC Voltage Withstand Test Under Multi-constrained Condition[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 74-76.
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