Application of MSVC on the Reactive Power Optimization in 110kV Electricity Substation |
Zhang Dabao, Wu Zhiyong |
State Grid of Xinjiang Electric Power Company Akesu Power Supply Company,Akesu, Xinjiang 843000 |
Abstract The power quality was analysied in some 110kV electricity substation. The measurement of the active power, reactive power, power factor, fundamental wave and harmonic wave of the voltage and current is carried out in 1# and 2# power transformer side of the Ⅰ circuit line, thus to understand the present power quality of this 110kV electricity substation. Compared with the national and professional standards, the reactive power optimization scheme is put forward by using the MSVC type dynamic reactive power compensation device in this 110kV electricity substation. At last, the advantages of this MSVC type dynamic reactive power compensation scheme, which was widely used in the reactive power optimization and voltage stabilization of the power grid.
Published: 26 October 2016
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Zhang Dabao,Wu Zhiyong. Application of MSVC on the Reactive Power Optimization in 110kV Electricity Substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(10): 99-103.
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