Optimization Solution of Time of Use for Demand Side Management based on MOEA Technique in Smart Grid |
Xia Xunjin |
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Wuhan NARI Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430074 |
Abstract To cut down the power consumption costs of power customers and reduce the average delay time of electric equipment in time of use pricing scheme, a novel prioritization scheme of time of use based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for demand side management in smart grid is proposed. To begin with the time of use scheme and its advantages. And then, the implement method of evaluating the electricity cost and the equipment delay based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, and objective function is given. Finally, modeling and simulation are carried out by taking the software of Matlab/Simulink as platform. Simulation results show that, power consumption costs and waiting time of electric equipment are decreased significantly by the proposed method. So the proposed method has some reference meaning for demand side management.
Published: 13 December 2016
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Xia Xunjin. Optimization Solution of Time of Use for Demand Side Management based on MOEA Technique in Smart Grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(12): 69-72.
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