Analysis on Capacity of Wind Power Integration into Southern Power Grid of Hebei Province based on Peak Load Regulation |
Xi Peng1, Wang Ying1, Wu Peng1, Zhang Feifei2 |
1. State Grid Hebei Economic Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050000; 2. State Grid Hebei Economic Power Company, Shijiazhuang 050021 |
Abstract Thermal power is the main energy of southern power grid in Hebei province. It has abundant wind power energy in Baoding and Cangzhou, it develop rapidly in recent years. With the increasing of wind power installed capacity, peak load regulation have become main restrictions for accommodation of wind power. Based on load characteristics and wind power characteristics, the paper studies the ability of peak load regulation, a new method to calculate capacity of wind power using two key constraint index was proposed. The paper calculate the capacity of wind power in Hebei province, it provides an important reference for determining the wind power plan of “thirteen five” period in Hebei south power grid.
Published: 13 December 2016
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Xi Peng,Wang Ying,Wu Peng等. Analysis on Capacity of Wind Power Integration into Southern Power Grid of Hebei Province based on Peak Load Regulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(12): 78-81.
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