Two ±500kV Converter Station AC Filter Switch Crack Analysis and Transform |
Wang Dianchu, Zhou Yashu, Cao Xianwu, Liu Baishuang |
Qujing Bureau, CSG EHV Transmission Company, Qujing, Yunnan 655000 |
Abstract Introduced nearly two years with China Southern Power Grid ±500kV Niu Zhai Converter Station and ±500kV QiaoXiang converter station two converter stations AC filter capacitive switch burst accidents in the short term, It reflects the lack of HVDC systems AC filter switch failures exposed flaws and run, analyzes the phenomenon and cause of the accident during the burst switch, and proposed some measures in accordance with other converter station and the problems exposed in the accident, to achieve reduce the chance of switching burst bursting risk to personal safety of staff and resulting purposes.Currently, most responses have been implemented in ±500kV Niuzhai Converter Station and ±500kV Qiaoxiang converter station And achieved initial results,Verify the effectiveness and practicality of transformation.The incident also exposed the issue to Xi’an electrical switches and other switch manufacturers But also for production, research and development of high-voltage switch provides some realistic basis.
Published: 22 June 2016
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Wang Dianchu,Zhou Yashu,Cao Xianwu等. Two ±500kV Converter Station AC Filter Switch Crack Analysis and Transform[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(6): 128-132.
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