Research on the Converter Bridge Thyristor’s Commutation Modes of Static Frequency Converter |
Shao Yanqiu, Shao Yixiang, Wang Xiaohong, Yang Hemin, Jian Youzong |
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing 211000 |
Abstract Static Frequency Converter (SFC) is a kind of variable frequency starting device designed for large synchronous motor. Based on the static frequency converter starting system of gas turbine, this paper theoretically analyzed two commutation modes of the inverter bridge thyristors: the pulse commutation and the natural commutation. PSCAD simulation results verified the theoretical feasibility of the commutation methods. Finally the methods were verified on dynamic simulation experiment platform. Both of the commutation methods have the advantages of simple principle and feasible operation.
Published: 22 June 2016
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Shao Yanqiu,Shao Yixiang,Wang Xiaohong等. Research on the Converter Bridge Thyristor’s Commutation Modes of Static Frequency Converter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(6): 47-50.
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