The Development and Application of the Statistical Platform of Path Protocol of the Transmission Line Project |
Cheng Shuyi |
State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 102209 |
Abstract The design level of the transmission line project directly determines the quality of project. During the period of the feasibility study and preliminary design of the project, advice seeking from the administrative departments of the area that the lines pass through and written protocols are required. With the rapid development of the national economy and the gradual improvement of citizens' environmental protection consciousness, transacting the path protocol has become key work in the transmission line project, the current statistics of the path protocol transacting lack systematic and the standards are different. This paper developed a statistics platform of path protocol of the transmission line project using C# language for the first time, which can display the progress of path protocols transacting and the problems in the progress in real time and accurately, and it can automatically count the number of the completed protocols and the completion rate. After applying this platform to the protocol transacting in the feasibility study period of a transmission line project, the effect is remarkable, and the work efficiency gets greatly improved.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Cheng Shuyi. The Development and Application of the Statistical Platform of Path Protocol of the Transmission Line Project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 139-141.
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