Study on Thermo-electrical Aging Characteristics of Transformer Oil-paper Insulation |
Zhang Yuhang, Lan Sheng |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract In order to study on thermo-electrical aging of transformer oil-paper insulation, a test platform for thermo-electrical aging of oil-paper insulation is set up, and two groups of accelerated aging test are designed under 130℃. One is thermal aging test, the other is thermo-electrical aging test. By the comparison of two aging tests, the result shows that DP of paper under thermo-electrical stress decreases faster than that under single thermal stress. The breakdown voltage of paper has a linear relation with DP but no significant relationship with water content in oil at the beginning of the aging progress.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Zhang Yuhang,Lan Sheng. Study on Thermo-electrical Aging Characteristics of Transformer Oil-paper Insulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 48-51.
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