Novel Soft Switch Push-pull DC/DC Converter with Feedback Transformers |
Liu Longhua1, Huang Hongquan2, Huang Qizhe1, Li Minqiang1, Lu Shaocheng1 |
1. Hechi Power Supply Bureau, Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd, Hechi, Guangxi 547000; 2. College of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004 |
Abstract For the shortcomings of a traditional push-pull converter, a novel soft switch auxiliary circuit with feedback transformers, which assists the two power devices in push-pull converter to switch softly, is proposed. The operating principle is analyzed and a series of formulas to determine the circuit parameters are derived. When the turns ratio and the magnetizing inductance meet the design conditions, the feedback transformer can avoid entering the magnetic saturation. The soft switching push-pull DC/DC converter has been put into use, verifying the correctness of the circuit and the design method.
Published: 27 July 2016
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Liu Longhua,Huang Hongquan,Huang Qizhe等. Novel Soft Switch Push-pull DC/DC Converter with Feedback Transformers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(7): 79-82.
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